Free and Reduced Price Meal Information
If you plan to apply for free or reduced meals, you will need to have the application approved prior to paying your registration fees. The form is available in any of the offices or may be downloaded using the link below. If you have questions, please call the superintendent's office at 641-630-1042 or contact jstender@nodawayvalley.org.
Free & Reduced Meals
Registration must be paid by December 31!
Home Language Survey
Form Note: This form must be submitted only once for each student in your family. Per federal mandate, we will contact you if your information is not on file.​
2024-2025 Registration Information
Monday, August 5 - High School, Greenfield
4:00-6:00 p.m.
As we start a new school year, please consider registering online. At this time, online registration will need to be completed on a laptop or desktop computer. It does not work on a smartphone.
2024-2025 Registration
Online Registration with JMC
Important Note: At this time, the following steps can only be completed using a computer.
• Go to the JMC Family Access link at www.nodawayvalley.org.
• Select the 2024-2025 School Year on the login screen.
• Sign in with your username and password. If you need your login information, e-mail info@nodawayvalley.org or call 641-630-1042. The username is the parent's last name. If you forgot your password, there is a Forgot Your Password? Link.
• After you sign in, expand Register for 2024-2025, select Start/Continue Registration Process on the left side, and then the Next button at the top right to complete information for each student. You will first check/update contact information and then complete the information fields for each student.
• By completing the student information via JMC, you will only need to update your student information yearly, except when students move up to another building!
Use this link to register your student(s).
Official Request for Student Records Form
If your family currently has students enrolled at Nodaway Valley,
do NOT use the link above.
You will find a new student option while logging in and updating your other student information.
Important Note: Your information updates just as soon as office personnel pulls in your information, which is done daily.
Free and Reduced Meals Application
If you would like to sign up for Free and Reduced Meals, this can be completed online in JMC. Use the Meals Application link under the JMC Parent Portal. You can also download the application here. Contact Janell Stender if you need assistance with the form or would like to make an appointment. jstender@nodawayvalley.org - 641-630-1042
Next, pay fees using JMC.
• In the Register for 2024-2025 tab on the left, click the blue Lunch link to pay any negative lunch balance and add money to your family account. We no longer use SchoolPay, and everything is through JMC.
• Next, click Tuition/Fees to pay your fees due for the upcoming year. At the top is a blue button, Pay My Bill. Once inside, highlight all items you want to pay for. If you have any questions, feel free to email info@nodawayvalley.org